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KiwiSaver - Navigating troubled waters

There was over $1bn switched from growth to conservative funds with KiwiSaver in March. The great news is, more than ever, Kiwi's are taking this investment vehicle seriously. On the…

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The right KiwiSaver choice today could be mean a big difference to your future

05 May 2020

There was over $1bn switched from growth to conservative funds with KiwiSaver in March. The great news is, more than ever, Kiwi's are taking this investment vehicle seriously. On the flip-side, this has shown the level of Kiwi's that don't have a KiwiSaver plan to suit their goals and objectives.


Rupert Carlyon spoke with Darcy Ungaro from NZ Everyday Investor and Tom Hartmann, managing editor at Sorted about the importance of creating a plan for your KiwiSaver account and sticking to it through the tough times.


About Kōura

Need to give your KiwiSaver account a checkup? The Kōura adviser will build you a personal KiwiSaver plan to match your risk appetite and objective (retirement vs. first home) and build a portfolio to suit you. The tools will also give you a clear picture of what your KiwiSaver fund will give you for your retirement or first home and whether that will be enough.