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Listen: News of the Money World / Ep 10 / Too much macro!

Listen: News of the Money World / Ep 10 / Too much macro!

9 Jul 2021

Listen: News of the Money World / Ep 10 / Too much macro!

Welcome to News of the Money World, a mini-podcast series that we're doing in partnership with NZ Everyday Investor. It's a short, fortnightly show, about what’s happening in the finance world and how that affects you, the everyday Kiwi.

In this week's episode, Rupert and Darcy discuss how we can often put too much importance on what's happening in the macro-economic world when making our own financial decisions (e.g. interest rates rising). And how there are benefits to be had when we understand long-term macro trends but don't let them hold too much influence over our own micro-financial world.

Listen in live by joining us in the NZ Everyday Investor room on Clubhouse every second Wednesday at 5:30 pm! (Our next episode is Wednesday 21st July).